Marc Coll, arquitecto técnico. Mi objetivo es
asegurar la correcta ejecución de cada obra, garantizando que los procesos constructivos cumplan con los más altos estándares de calidad, optimizando recursos y creando espacios funcionales y sostenibles.
Años de experiencia
Proyectos realizados
actualizado en nuevos sistemas constructivos
Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de la construcción en Mallorca, he dedicado mi carrera a la dirección y supervisión de obras, asegurando que cada proyecto se ejecute con los más altos estándares de calidad y eficiencia. Desde 2009, he liderado proyectos de diversa envergadura, consolidando mi compromiso con la excelencia técnica y la atención a los detalles en cada fase del proceso constructivo.
Mi enfoque se basa en ofrecer un servicio integral y personalizado, cubriendo desde la dirección de ejecución de obras hasta la elaboración de informes técnicos y certificados energéticos. Trabajo mano a mano con mis clientes, adaptando soluciones técnicas a sus necesidades específicas y garantizando un resultado final que cumple con las expectativas, tanto funcionales como estéticas.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
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